The fourth and final season of the Attack on Titan anime television series, subtitled Attack on Titan The Final Season, is produced by MAPPA, chief directed by Jun Shishido, and directed by Yuichiro Hayashi, replacing Tetsurō Araki and Masashi Koizuka, respectively Scriptwriter Hiroshi Seko took over the series composition from Yasuko Kobayashi, and Tomohiro Kishi replaced 進撃の巨人86話の情報からの妄想的文脈。実は壁側とマーレ側は何度もやりあってる? マーレ国も壁側も結託していてたんじゃね説 70 名無しの進撃 記憶操作って便利だよな。以下妄想。 俺らが知ってるのは第3の壁(ウォールマリア)までだけど、本当は第4